Version 2.0
Divide&RULE 2.0 introduces some new features that really takes this game to it's next level .
Here are the new features and changes to the game listed below:
The new score system:
Divide&RULE 2.0 changes the score system to make the game play more interesting. That includes "lives". Now, when the game starts it begins with some initial number of lives, which is referred as "extra pins" in the game. An attempt to burst the bubble with inappropriate pin will decrease your life (or you will lose one pin). There are different number of initial number of pins for different difficulty modes.
As this lives are included, there is no more negative scoring. Also, in the small burst instead of getting +2, now you'll +4 points, and with the big burst you'll get +10 points.
The new Challenging game level/mode:
Divide&RULE 2.0 introduces new game mode called "Challenging". Instead of one bubble floating from the top of the screen, two bubbles will float from the top. This makes the game more interesting and challenging to play. Initially in this mode, 4 pins (lives) will be provided and the range of the numbers appearing on the bubble would be 1000. The challenging mode will also have occasional appearance of two digit number on the sheet.
Haptic Feedbacks throughout the game.
The newer iPhones (iPhone 6s or later) comes with a special vibrating motor called “Taptic Engine” which produces rhythmic vibrations with specific frequencies to provide a better user experience. Divide&RULE, taking advantage of that advanced hardware uses special vibrations to complement user actions. Such as, when there is correct burst of the bubble, there will be a small tap. There will be long vibration with the wrong try. This is applicable throughout the app to provide a better communicative experience apart from just providing sounds.
The Duet Play Mode:
Divide&RULE have the new Duet Play feature, which enables two players to play the game. The player will be able to see the life status as well as the scores of his/her opponent in realtime when playing the game.
To enable Duet Play mode on the game,Enable the Wi-Fi of the iPhone (no need to connect with any network), tap on the “Duet Play” icon (symbolised as a gaming remote). Tap on the connect button and then select the device with whom you want to multiplay from the list which shows all the nearby Wi-Fi enabled iPhone. The other device will get a pop-up about your request for connection. If he/she accepts the request your game will get automatically set to the multiplay mode. Form then, whenever you tap on the “Play” button from main menu, it will start the game in multiplay mode, till you disconnect from other device.
Along with these amazing new features on version 2.0, The stability of the app has been improved and certain bugs about pin-bubble interactions has been fixed.